Supporting North West London with DBS Checks

Voluntary Action Harrow Limited is a registered umbrella body with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), formerly the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB), and offer a comprehensive DBS checking service.

What we offer:


Level of check Nonprofit Organisation Public/Private Organisation
Volunteer (Standard/Enhanced) £21 £31
Staff (Standard) £47 £57
Staff (Enhanced) £65 £75

Get a DBS check done:

If you would like to use the DBS service, we will first need to register your organisation on our database.

To register you can:

Already registered and need more forms for your staff, colleagues or volunteers?

Helpful documents:

How to buy :

E-mail or call 020 8861 5894

Benefits to your organisation:

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children.

Organisations have a duty to make referrals to the Independent Safeguarding Authority i.e. DBS, and must not knowingly engage a barred person in a regulated activity. It is a LEGAL requirement for Information to be sent to ISA if you dismiss or remove someone from a regulated activity (or would have done if they hadn’t left your organisation)