Trustee Photo Competition

The theme for our first ever photo competition is ‘Harrow‘ and we’re accepting entries from Trustees and #Trustee2B’s. Not sure what a trustee is? Anyone responsible for the general control and management of the administration of a charity. (For more details, click here) Not sure what a #trustee2B is? Anyone who wants to be placed, or is in the process […]
Becoming a Trustee

Written by a non-trustee I have never felt the urge to become a trustee because I felt I lacked the skills and experience. But I have realised people at my age, 27, can become a trustee as long as they have an interest in the organisations work and the relevant skills. It’s so important for […]
Thank You Trustees!

A MASSIVE THANK YOU to every single Harrow Trustee for getting involved to publicise #trusteesweek! With particular thanks going to Victoria Silver (@VictoriaSilver4) for getting us so many great photos, you’re fantastic. Harrow Trustees you’ve gone national: Click Here It has been an INCREDIBLE week and VAH know it has inspired a lot of people, to find out […]
Young Trustees!

It’s not all about age Speaking to Alex Swallow, founder of Young Charity Trustees at our October Harrow Trustee Network brought home to me just how important it is to get young people to join groups as trustees. I meet groups all the time who say to me “we really need more young people like […]
Trusteeship Responsibilities

“With great power comes great responsibility” even in a small community group In the last year there has been so much debate in the national voluntary sector journals and blogs about the Charities Act Review, payment of trustees, fines for late submission of accounts to the Charity Commission, regulation of fundraising and trustee development and […]